sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

I study Geography! :)

Hello blogger

Today I'd like you to write about why you decided to study the subject you chose to study.

I study geography at the University of Chile. When I left high school had no course to study in college then I take a year off to think and decide where to study. I had studied accounting in high school and when I make my practice, I did not like accounting practice because when I had bad experiences. But then to take the year off, I decided to study my career greater social interaction and outdoor recreation, then it was was like gave up again the PSU and decided to study geography, I later learned that he had been at the University of Chile and I was happy. Now I have two years of study and the truth is that the race seems very nice and full, as it mixes a number of aspects of geography and converges in a discipline that is concerned with people in the midst of nature. My plans for the future have not yet decided but I would like to study a postgraduate course abroad and finish my degree and maybe work in southern Chile or abroad.

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014

Childhood friend

Hello bloggers, today I going to talk about my childhood friend!

When I was little I lived away from the village of Curacaví then only shared with my cousins who lived closer with my classmates every day attending the Colegio San José Obrero Curacaví. Since kindergarten I was friends with a girl named Javiera through fifth, she was named Javiera. We were good friends I went to her house and she was going home, but in the fifth fight and no longer were friends, then in high school I knew that today are my friends and have them much affection, we shared many things together.

When I was little I lived near my paternal cousins then they too were like my childhood friends, because we played a lot and did evil in the house of my grandparents, and we played to make mud pies, or we swam in the nearby river to my former home, then my parents separated and I moved house with my mom, and I did not see much to my cousins, but I keep them fondly and they also us (me and my sister).

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

something about pride!

Hello bloggers

Today I’d like to talk about something I am proud of. I have 21 year old, I go the university of Chile and study geography, the fact I have not yet achieved many things in life, because I have been limited to live the experiences that go according to my age, and what an ordinary young girl  should do.Even so, I am proud to see several places, to be responsible for the care and love to my dog, of the family members that I have loved that the container needn't.

I am proud of my mom, because she has accomplished many things for us, and

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

the film; this is England

Hello bloggers
Today I will talk about a movie I saw in my English class in college, this is called England. I had not seen this movie, and at first it seemed very very funny comic scenes, the protagonist Shaun was a child who lived with his mother in England, as his father lived in germany, went to school but apparently had no many friends since the beginning of the movie about kids at school tease him by his clothes and Shaun fight with the guy. That day Shaun meets a young group led by Woody, who up to Shaun to his friends. Shaun Together with Woody and his friends are very nice and funny moments. Then in the middle of the movie a new character called Combo, who apparently was the group of friends before but had been in jail, and leads the group many nationalist and racist ideas that they generate a split in the group appears those who follow and Combo. Combo follows Shaun and his group, they are devoted to scaring groups of people of other nationalities. The plot of the movie you can see that combo in love with the girlfriend of Woody, but this does not belong.When as he realizes that the girl does not want, in a fit of anger, hit Milky a black friend, and there shaun realizes that the path he has taken to follow combo was not correct, because Combo the ideological motivations led him to commit a crime against one of their friends.

I think it's good to reflect these realities in the movies, so as people become aware of acts that can generate product extremist and intolerant views towards different groups of people, nationalities, etc.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

A Movie I'd Like to Watch Again !

Hello bloggers,

Today I’m going to talk about a film I’ve seen that I’d like to watch again. A film that never bores me and I like to see it several times and have not seen in like 2 months is diaro of Bridget Jones.This movie is about the life of a spinster woman in London, having a little overweight, suffering very Funny things and love discussion between two suitors one that truly loves and one that only seeks to beat the other man. This story because I like em seems very much fun and laugh to see, although my favourite is Bridget Jones the one , because exist a second part called diario Bridget Jones: survive. This movie is based on a novel written by Helen Fielding.
The movie starred by Rene Zellweger as Bridget, Colin Firth as Mark Darcy, the in love and Hugh Grant as Daniel the womaniser. The story is tipical romance story, but  with a touch of comedy everywhere.

Concert or theater

Hello bloggers Today I'd like you to write about a concert or exhibition you went to. 
Actually I have never been to a music concert, and perhaps because it caught my attention, though I like certain artists such as Mika, rihanna, katy perry and others, I think I would more go to the theater and go to the show Du circus solei because I called a lot of attention and thoroughness of each show, and as embedded in the history and artists are phenomenal, performing acts of artistic gymnastics and acrobatics of very good quality and mix it with theatrical performances that seem fantastic.

I've been to the theater twice, can not remember the names of the works, but I remember I went with my class and third in the second half through high school, as part of the subject of language. The experience was very good and I really like going to the theater, I found it much more human and realistic than the movies, I went with my classmates.
I would go to the local theater to see a play santiago renowned as the Nutcracker or Swan Lake, but I have not been for lack of time with university activities or my personal activities.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014


Hello bloggers, Today we're going to write about a reading at the moment. At the moment only Reading genre academic, because in the university some subject we have very much for read. In the subject social geography and economic sectorial geography,where most subjects are read. For each week we ller texts about 2 sometimes 3 for class, and sometimes even read in English.
I read articles that help me understand the material studied in each subject. Some texts I like a lot and motivated in my studio, but others not much. I hate when the texts are given many turns to explain something.

I do not like to read much, but when a text or book I like, I excited to continue Reading, I remember the favourite book is Across the Nightingale Floor, base on legend from Otori(Japón), this book I read, when went the school and I lovely, later I read it a few more times, is a book that tell the story of a town the Otori, and the love story of two youhtful that who fall in love in the time of feudal japan.

When finished my test, I would begin read the manual to drive, for in order to get my driver's license, I  have heard the write test it is harder than other years.